Injury Liability


As a business owner, have you considered your advertising risks?

Most likely not—many tend to overlook the potential threat that lurks behind their advertising efforts. What you may not find offensive or what you may believe is proven fact, may not always appear that way to others. An advertising injury is an injury to a third-party resulting from the business’ advertising of its goods and services. Most often advertising injury includes a claim of:

Typically it may be one of your top business competitors who allege that an act, advertisement, practice or comment made by you or a member of your staff, which has in turn damaged their business. This can come in the form of you comparing one of their goods or services to your own, making a false claim against a competitor’s product, or really can result from a number of actions or statements you make. Before you know it, your company can be sued for number of things such as defamation or trademark infringement.

Protecting yourself with comprehensive advertising injury liability coverage is the best defense you can have. With a customized policy, you can arm your business with the coverage you deserve, all while proactively safeguarding your professional reputation and livelihood. Interested in learning more? Contact Dickstein Associates Agency, LLC today to discover your liability options.

Call us at 800-862-6662 today to speak to a Advertising Injury Liability insurance professional.

Locations We Serve

New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan and Utah.