
The Precautions to Take in Your Home Before Winter

As winter quickly approaches there are a few simple steps you can take to help keep you safe and protect your home. The list below will help you find potential dangers and make sure you have done all you can to protect yourself and your home before winter comes. As a leading homeowners insurance provider, you can rely on our decades of real life experience in protecting our valued clients.

Start your Winterizing with Your HVAC System

Getting your heating system ready for winter means fixing any problems by checking the air filters, ensuring the furnace is working, and replacing worn parts. Use these HVAC winter season tips:

  • Check and change your air filter monthly.
  • Set thermostat temperature for winter climes.
  • Keep your vents clear and open.
  • Having your ductwork cleaned and sanitized helps prevent dust & buildup, which can cause problems with your heating system and ultimately your health.
  • Scheduling regular maintenance appointments to ensure that your heating system runs smoothly throughout winter.

Check the Roof and Gutters

Have your roof checked by a Professional for any leaks. Make sure your gutters are free of debris. Also, if snow builds up on the roof, have it removed as soon as safely possible to keep water from causing damage to the inside of the house.

Winterize Your Windows and Doors

Windows are vulnerable to winter conditions and can become damaged by ice or snow. If you have storm shutters installed, use them to protect your windows. Check that the doors close properly and latch securely—repair loose hinges and locks.

Check your Plumbing for Winter

Now is the time to make sure your hoses are disconnected and stored and the water drained and shut off to your outside faucets. If there are no shutoff valves for the outside tap, consider having a licensed plumber install them. Insulate Exposed Plumbing Pipe – Properly insulate all exposed pipes. Check the insulation around windows, too. You can buy inexpensive foam insulation that fits most types of piping.

Check the Electrical System

Have your electrical system checked.  Is the amperage sufficient for a the additional electrical devices you’ve accumulated since your home was built.  Consider a backup generator which can help keep your home powered if the power goes out. If you already have a backup generator make sure you test it routinely to be confident it will start when needed.

Prepare and Inspect Your Fireplace, Chimney, and Flue

It’s essential to have a Professional check the fireplace, chimney, and flue annually for obstructions, leaks, cracked bricks, and damaged insulation that can cause smoke damage, carbon monoxide poisoning, and house fires.

It’s critical to check the damper because it controls how much air gets into the chimney. If it’s broken, hot embers can fall into the chimney and start a fire. If the flue isn’t working correctly, there might be a buildup of creosote or lint, which could block airflow and cause a fire. To fix this issue, inspect the flue to be clean and debris-free. For the best protection, get a full inspection from a professional chimney sweep.

Safeguarding Your Property

Homeowners insurance is a must and provides you the financial security to help cover the cost of fires, water damage, and winter storms. Dickstein Associates, A Risk Strategies Company doesn’t just sell insurance. We’re here to share our decades of experience to help you avoid common errors and be available as your trusted advocate when a loss does happen.


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