
Welcome to the Future: Hoverboard Hazards

When the holiday season hit in 2015, one of the most coveted gifts for kids and adults alike was the newly famed hoverboard. The ability to get around without really putting any effort out other than keeping your balance, the novelty of hoverboards skyrocketed just in time for gift givers to get the perfect gift for their loved ones. However, shortly after all the hoverboards made their way into homes across the globe, they started causing problems.

There were several reported cases involving house fires due to hoverboards catching fire while charging. There have also been cases where the hoverboards actually explode. One case on December 28, 2015 in Lacey, NJ involved a hoverboard catching fire in the family’s living room singeing the carpet. The homeowners were fortunate that the damage was not severe and that no one was hurt. A family in Louisiana was not as lucky in November of 2015 when their hoverboard exploded catching their home on fire and burning it to the ground.

While hoverboards may be exciting and fun, they should still be used with caution. Safety should always be a priority. The chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Committee issued a statement in January regarding hoverboard safety, which can be found here. Within his statement, he includes these thoughts for all hoverboard users:

  • Have a working fire extinguisher nearby while charging or using these boards in and around your home.hoverboard photo
  • Charge in an open area away from combustible materials.
  • Gear up before riding, which means putting on a skateboard helmet, elbow and knee pads and wrist guards.
  • Do not use a hoverboard on or near a road.

As with any new household item, you should contact your homeowner’s insurance carrier to see how your coverage could be affected by owning a hoverboard.

Photo by automobileitalia


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