
Driving Safely in Bad Weather

Driving safely in bad weather conditions can make an uneventful trip dangerous, and it is essential to avoid mishaps. As your local independent auto insurance specialists, here are a few tips to keep you and your vehicle safe when bad weather hits.

Ten Tips for Driving Safely in Bad Weather:

  1. Keep your windshield clean to avoid road glare which could cause you to lose sight of potential problems and thus cause an accident. Maintain a full fuel tank; when possible, limit your driving at night or anytime visibility is reduced.
  2. Know your vehicle’s capabilities. Before driving, check that your car can handle adverse weather conditions. For example, consider installing snow tires before winter or have chains in the trunk and practice installing them.
  3. Be aware of changing weather patterns because roads can become slick quickly when temperatures drop. Thus, these temperature drops can turn rain to sleet and snow, creating black ice conditions.
  4. Drive defensively. Be careful not to speed up or slow down too much when approaching intersections. Slow down gradually and maintain a steady pace. Avoid sudden braking or acceleration to decrease the risk of skidding.
  5. Minimize distractions while driving and stay focused on the road ahead. Never text or talk on the phone and keep your eyes on the road. Looking beyond the vehicles directly in front of you helps you anticipate potentially dangerous situations sooner.
  6. When driving through heavy traffic, give more time to stop and keep more distance from the car. Keep yourself close to the right side so that other drivers can pass without hitting you. If you must stop suddenly, pull off the road completely. Do not park in areas with poor traction.
  7. Keep your vehicle well maintained, including ensuring your brakes work correctly and that your lights, wipers, and defroster all function normally. Check tire pressure regularly and confirm your battery’s condition is capable of hard winter starts.
  8. Don’t speed because lousy weather vastly increases the risk of crashing when drivers are less likely to see other vehicles or objects coming toward them. Speeding in slippery conditions causes skidding and losing control problems.
  9. Rain, snow, slush, and ice may make seeing people walking on the side of the road difficult. Be extra careful when changing lanes, merging traffic, and passing slower-moving vehicles. Slow down when approaching bridges and overpasses, which freeze up faster than roads, and as such, they can cause you to lose traction and slide.
  10. Have an emergency kit in your vehicle that includes blankets, flashlights, batteries, jumper cables, flares, a shovel, and possibly sand or even kitty litter to help traction if you get stuck. Keep your mobile phone charged and a dedicated battery cable for it in the car.

State Mandates

While state laws mandate you to carry minimum auto insurance limits, they are usually inadequate to protect you and your assets in serious accidents. In addition, lenders and leasing companies require higher and more appropriate coverage limits.

About Dickstein Associates Agency

At Dickstein Associates Agency, an independent insurance brokerage, we work on your behalf to access our network of insurance companies to secure a comprehensive, competitively priced auto insurance plan. Safeguarding your family, assets, and yourself is our motivating goal.



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