Category: Key Insurance Topics


Fact or Fiction: Myths of the Auto Insurance World

While you shop around for New Jersey car insurance it’s easy to ask family and friends what they like or dislike about their current insurance provider. Everyone agrees that when it comes to car insurance we want the lowest rates, appropriate coverage and great service, but sometimes it can be hard to separate truth from myth.  

Planning a “Hitch-Free” Wedding

Spring is near which means one thing, Wedding Season is upon us! With the recent explosion of wedding related shows on all the major television networks it is now more than ever that people are putting a lot of time and money into planning their extravagant dream wedding.  So many things go into your big day; the perfect dress, venue, flowers, cake, caterer, DJ, and let’s not forget the perfect groom to complete the whole picture.

Budget for the Extras when You’re Buying a Home

Buying a home is probably going to be the largest single purchase you will ever make. Sticking to your budget is important so you don’t find yourself financially overcommitted. You need to be aware of the extra costs involved in buying a house, over and above the purchase price, and the ongoing expenses, such as home insurance.

A Guest’s Injury at Your Home Can Mean Financial Loss without Insurance

Every day we run risks, including in your home. We might not even consider them risks, but even going up the stairs can be risky, and could lead to an accident that leaves a family member or guest injured. The question that arises then is who pays if a guest in your home is hurt badly?

When did you last Review your Home Insurance Policy?

When was the last time you reviewed your home insurance policy? It may have been some time a while ago, particularly if life has been hectic. Finding a spare half hour to go through paperwork may not have been high on your priority list.

Factors That Determine Insurance Premiums

There are numerous factors that may be taken into account to determine the cost of the insurance premiums for your New Jersey home. As with most policies, the costs of premiums are based on the likelihood of a claim being made. The less risk that you and your home pose to your insurance provider, the lower the cost of your insurance coverage.


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